Olivia's Wet Little Secret [BETTER]
We see something similar, a little bit more recently, in the 1990s, with blister packing of iron. Iron was also a big problem in children, causing morbidity and mortality. Even though they were in safety caps, many times there was enough to kill a child within a prescription bottle. So if it was left open, it was a very small dose required. And once they were put into blister packs, we didn't see a tremendous amount of morbidity, even, with iron, much less mortality.
olivia's wet little secret
Christine Stork, PharmD: I don't know for sure, but I do not believe so, because then later on, when the poison center was staffed with nurses in -- I want to say the 1970s, 1980s -- it was located outside of Upstate's pediatric emergency department. So it was right in the emergency department in kind of like a little closet area. And during the day, the nurses would, again, provide that information, provide a little bit more management.During the overnight hours, the nurses and doctors in the emergency department would pick up that phone.
Librarian Olivia Tsistinas: So, there is a great website, ClinicalTrials.gov. That's another one where I would want you to reach out to somebody to help you navigate it. Sometimes it can be a little bit hard to figure out.
Librarian Olivia Tsistinas: So, a lot of the time I'm targeting information created for consumers, but one of the groups that we get a lot are folks that are facing chronic health conditions, or they're in support groups. They're almost like super consumers. So they've already gone through that basic level of information. And they're reaching out to us at Upstate Health Sciences Library because they need a little bit more robust information.
And so those are the folks that we take a look, and we identify OK, this is a study, it's got a structured abstract, and here's the conclusion of it. And that's a little capsule of information that's right at the beginning of the article that they can then take to their health care team.
Andrew Tisser, DO: Tough. You know, I don't know that many practicing physicians who look back on their residency as being cheerful and full of, rainbows and unicorns and such, because you have a short window of time to train a proper physician, right? And to learn the vast specialty of emergency medicine in general, where we got to know a little bit about everything. You only have so much time. And so we work really hard. But Upstate was a nice place. It really was. What was really cool about Upstate, the hospital, is that we had such a large catchment area, so we got to see, really, just the spectrum of disease from really local urban type people all the way up into like the hill country and Amish and Mennonite populations, and really just a very interesting patient population.
Andrew Tisser, DO: You know, it's interesting. I've worked in pretty much every practice setting possible at this point. I followed my wife out to Chicago, where she did a fellowship (specialized training program), and in my time there, I worked at six or seven different hospitals in the two years we were there doing some part-time work in a lot of different places because I really didn't know what kind of setting I wanted to work in. And so I worked in these tiny little hospitals, all the way up to these giant medical centers, and everything inbetween. Again, my training was fantastic to the point where I was able to adapt really quickly to any of those settings. And so I've learned over time, what keeps me happy, and it's doing a lot of these other things, doing the podcast. I do a lot of administrative work nowadays. I'm the associate chair of emergency medicine for my hospital, so I do a lot of that and a lot of side projects and I have an 11-month-old that keeps me happy, too. And busy.
Andrew Tisser, DO: Sure. So, initially, the podcast was to be focused on communication in health care. When I was leaving Chicago, one of the security guards bought me a bottle of champagne and I said, "oh wow, you didn't have to do that. That's nice." And he's like, "well, you talk to me, like I'm a person, Doc." And I was like, "Oh gosh, that's terrible. Don't most people talk to you like you're a person?" And he said, "No, you'd be surprised." And so I sought to really get some information about communication in healthcare and how we talk to each other. And so thus, "Talk2MeDoc," right? And after about a season of that, it grew a little stale. And the only reason that is is because a lot of people were saying the same thing, that we're all the same team; some of the hierarchy in medicine is really not as much as it used to be: and everyone has a voice. And while all true, I didn't think that continuing in that topic was really that interesting for my listeners. After a while, after I had interviewed people from pretty much every part of medicine, and my interest became more aligned with the issues relating to the early career physician. And then I pivoted the show, and that's where we've been ever since.
Host Amber Smith: Let me ask you a little bit more about the student loans, because everyone's heard how much money doctors are going to owe when they get out of medical school. Do you think that deters some people from even going to medical school?
Host Amber Smith: This has been Upstate's "HealthLink on Air," brought to you each week by Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York. Next week on "HealthLink on Air": secrets to a good night's sleep. If you missed any of today's show, or for more information on a variety of health, science and medical topics, visit our website at healthlinkonair.Org. Upstate's "HealthLink on Air" is produced by Jim Howe, with sound engineering by Stephen Shaw. This is your host, Amber Smith, thanking you for listening.
Rishton Hall Farm was let at last. Lord Stannington had hadit on his hands a long time, and had offered it at a lower and everlower rent. It was an open secret that John Oldshaw, who had along lease of Lower Rishton Farm at the other end of the village,had expected the Rishton Hall lease to drop into his hands at lastfor a very trifling rent indeed. He was a careful man; the propertyunder his hands throve; and he was fond of saying that his lordshipwould make a better bargain by letting him have the land at10 an acre than by letting another man have it at 15. However,Lord Stannington had apparently thought otherwise; at anyrate, when a stranger appeared upon the scene and offered him a fairrent for the land without any haggling, they came to terms withoutdelay, and John Oldshaw found that his hoped-for bargain had escapedhim.
The young driver was looking ruefully at the overturned vehicle.He proved to have escaped with no worse damage than a batteredhat. Lucy, the maid, who had ascertained that her head was stillon her shoulders, had bound up her cut forehead with her handkerchief,and was scolding the driver for his carelessness as she pointedto the scattered luggage. The traces having broken as the cab fell,the horse had sustained very little hurt, so that, on the whole, theaccident had been without tragic consequences. The rescuer tookhold of the girl, and shook her by the arm.
And he shouldered one trunk and caught up another, and strodealong towards the house, whistling to himself with the defiant carelessnessof one who feels he has done a bold stroke. The lady andher attendant followed, somewhat soothed by this little show of friendliness.
Even in the midst of her feelings of desolation and disappointment,in spite of the keen cold and of the forlorn, blind look which shutteredand shut-up windows, broken chimney pots, and untrimmed ivygave to the house, Olivia could not look quite without admirationand a youthful sense of delight in the picturesque at the old Hall.The body of the house was a long, plain, two-storeyed building, witha flagged roof and a curious wide, flat portico, supported by twospindleshank wooden windows, beneath which three stone steps,deeply hollowed out and worn by generations of feet, led to the frontdoor. At the west end a gabled wing, flag-roofed like the rest,ran back from the body of the house; and at right angles to thisthere jutted out westwards a second small wing of the same shape.In these, the oldest portions of the house, traces of former architecturalbeauties remained in stately Tudor chimneys and two mullionedwindows, round which the ivy clustered in huge bushes, longleft neglected and untrimmed. At this end of the building a littlegarden ran underneath the walls, protected from the incursions ofintrusive cows by a wall which began towards the back of the houseby being very high and ended towards the front by being very low.From the wall to the house the garden had been shut in by palingsand a little gate; but these were now much broken and decayed,and afforded small protection to the yews and holly bushes, the littleleafless barberry tree and the shabby straggling evergreens, whichgrew thickly against the weather-stained walls of the old house,choking the broken panes of the lower windows as the ivy did thoseof the upper ones. It was this western end that was visible from theroad, the view of the front being obscured by a long stone-builtbarn, very old, and erected on foundations older still, about whichhung traditions of monkish days.
But Olivia was already exploring, followed by Lucy; and the oldwoman, with much reluctance, brought up the rear. The passagewas quite dark, and very cold. The tallow dip which Mrs. Wallcarried gave only just enough light to enable the explorers to findthe handles of the doors on the left. One of these Olivia opened, notwithout difficulty; for the floor was strewn with lumber of all sorts,which the last occupier of the farm had not thought worth carryingaway. The walls of this room, which was very small, were panelledright up to the low ceiling; and the panelling had been whitewashed.A second chamber in this passage was in a similar condition, exceptthat the panelling had been torn down from two of the four walls,and its place supplied by a layer of plaster. Holding up her skirtsvery carefully, Olivia stepped across the dusty piles of broken boxes,damaged fireirons, and odds and ends of torn carpet with which thefloor of this room also was covered, and looked through the dustypanes of the little window. 041b061a72