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Valentine Ignatov
Valentine Ignatov

Kpg 89dk Download

Is there a dependable & complete list of which software goes with which Kenwood somewhere? As, I have 3 different Kenwood mobile models (8180,8102,8160)s which I eventually want to program. Also when I figure out which software I need. Is there a good source / site to be able to download from safely. Also do I need to check / update the firmware in the radio before programming? I have Windows 10. I have read the TK-8180s can be programed on Windows 10.

Kpg 89dk Download

The "H" means high power, 45W in case of 8180. From programming standpoint 8180H and 8180 should be identical."K" - I have no clue, but with my Kenwood 3170 "K" is a regular one, and "K4" is with 12-key keypad. I would follow the advice and chose 8180H if your radio on hand is 8180H-K.Safe download - now this is a longshot these days! considered to be reliable. I just download from the, I like to live dangerously.Kenwood software for Windows works in Win10. I personally have KPG-49D and KPG-101D working fine.Firmware update does not seem to be required (with my 880 and 3170).

I have a few 8180s in the 30W version and it worked fine for all. axorlov is correct, the 'H' is high power and K1/K2 is the firmware edition probably. The manual for all the 7180/8180 series is the same and software is shared. I've had no issues using 49D software on any of mine and once one is done I simply upload from that one then download configuration to a new one so they're identical.


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