Hey, I'm Katherine
You're here
because you're looking for some support with a challenge or change you're experiencing & want help to keep your fire going.
I'm here
because I'm passionate about helping people embrace opportunities for change & growth in their lives, which is easier with someone on your team.
we will build a strong support foundation for you to confidently embrace your inner wisdom & live in alignment with your ideal self.
Are you looking to make a shift in your life, your relationships, or in the world and feel lost & daunted by where to begin?
Changing old habits comes with presence, patience, and practice.
In our sessions we will step carefully together into the mosaic of your life and explore ways your old patterns of thinking, feeling, & behaving are blocking you from living in alignment with your true nature.
Then we will co-create actionable steps you can easily integrate into your life to make the changes you're looking to see.
Change happens one step at a time.