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A single candle can light thousands more

without diminishing itself.

We can alight the world just by keeping our flame lit.

Learn how

Kindling: a Group Coaching Program
for Managing Stress & Burnout

Join a group coaching program you're really excited about.

A program that:

honors who you are, the person you want to be for yourself and the world, and your past challenges you've already successfully navigated 


makes you feel confident about equipping the Enneagram as a dynamic tool to address present and future challenges; and to increase your capacity in stressful times


highlights your strengths and natural gifts so new tools feel less like a struggle to integrate into your daily life


gives you new language to navigate the world with, helping you better identify patterns that might be traps in disguise


has a built in, supportive community and cohort of people committed to creating a better world together

Program Overview

The Kindling group coaching program centers using the ancient wisdom of the Enneagram to manage stress, burnout, and feeling stuck in the world. Adding kindling is about tending to your inner fire, stoking the coals; keeping your radiant light lit in an ever challenging and difficult world, & using that warmth and energy to help yourself and your community survive, grow, and thrive.


Read more in the FAQ section of why the Enneagram is a critical component of this program and why I believe it is one of the best possible guides to have in your toolkit to build capacity and keep your inner fire going. Jump to FAQ.

Wooden Surface


  • Intimate group size:

    • Min 4 people

    • Max 9 people

  • Time commitment:

    • 90 min-2 hours

    • 6 weekly meetings

    • optional suggested reflection homework

  • 7 total sessions:

    • 6 group sessions​

    • 1 individual follow up session

  • Location:

    • Zoom/virtual

  • Resources:

    • self-guided workbook

    • access to community channel on Discord

Learn more
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Wooden Surface


  • Week 1

    • Life Mapping

  • Week 2

    • Centers of Intelligence

  • Week 3

    • Instinctual Drivers (subtypes)

  • Week 4

    • Harmonic Triad

  • Week 5

    • Lines of Movement

  • Week 6

    • Story Rewrite

  • Week 7

    • One-on-one coaching

The inaugural Kindling group coaching program will begin weekly sessions starting on:


Join mailing list below for updates on the official start date!


What you receive:

When you enroll and fully engage in the group coaching program, you will receive:​

A customized workbook:

Noticeable differences:

a self-guided, customized, step-by-step resource workbook to use when you need help engaging the tools you've learned here. Comprised of Enneagram information, prompts from our group learnings and optional homework reflection exercises to deeper integrate your take-aways from our sessions together.​


you'll be attuned to the ways you've been on auto-pilot in your life and start to make different, presence-based choices in your common patterns. Watch yourself make changes you can actually see, and feel the impacts of living more consciously in your every day life.

Compassion & Confidence:

enjoy stronger feelings of compassion, confidence, and presence to the gifts of life, knowing you have dynamic and easy to remember strategies you can use when you come up against a challenge or frustrating cycle you want to interrupt, instead of wasting your time staying stuck in the same patterns that hurt yourself and/or others. Thus, keeping your candle lit for yourself and to bring light to the world around you.


What's included

The Kindling
program includes

6 weeks of group coaching covering Enneagram tools and practical ways to use them to navigate challenges and burnout in your life. Each week follows a theme/ lesson on an aspect of the Enneagram, and how to use it as a way to navigate the world going forward. After the program ends, we will schedule a follow-up 1-1 coaching session plan for how to integrate your take-aways from the program into your day-to-day life, for a total of 7 sessions.

6 different grounding exercises

 to incorporate in your life as needed


Enneagram specific tools

to add to tool belt for future challenges

6+ self reflection worksheets

to deeper integrate our discussions

6 individual 15 minute check-ins

to see how you’re doing through the program

60-90 minute follow up coaching session

to build a resiliency strategy for navigating future challenges.

What's Covered?

Session Details

Week 1

Life Map

This session is all about introductions: to the land, to each other, to the Enneagram, and to yourself--what your experience has been like to walk in your shoes.


This is the “you are here” point on the map--we can only know where we are now and where we are going if we know where we have been.


We will kick off our program with a life-mapping exercise to explore which patterns, beliefs, and turning points in your life have influenced who you are.


We will end this session with intention setting around what you are looking for in the next 5 sessions together. 

Week 2

Centers of Intelligence

This session is all about the rule of 3 and all of the ways triads show up in the Enneagram. First, we will introduce the 3 centers of Intelligence--our Body (or gut center), our Heart (or emotional center),  and our Mind (or thinking center).


Using another rule of 3 called "the Hornevian Triad" to guide our discussion, we will use this framework of thinking about Enneagram types as a way to build our awareness of our 3 centres of intelligence--and the one(s) we might be underutilizing.


This session will explore how to invite balance in your approach to getting what you need in the world. 

Week 3

Instinctual Drivers

This session is all about Enneagram “Subtypes”, the animal survival instincts that drive us when it feels like we just aren’t getting what we need to feel safe and okay in the world.


Each of these instincts are inherently rooted in a “Scarcity” mindset--worrying about not having enough resources, connection, or community to get by in life.


By exploring which instinct might be driving us on autopilot, we are better able to recognize the other opportunities available to more consciously engage with the world around us, and the natural abundance that exists here.

Week 4

Harmonic Triad

Fear, change, and uncertainty hits us all at different times of our life--sometimes at different times in one day!


This is especially clear, having navigated surviving a Global pandemic for over a year now. While we can’t avoid conflicts and challenges in our life, we can equip ourselves with the awareness and tools needed to navigate choppy waters ahead.


This session is all about what mindset we typically come to the table with when faced with challenges, the gifts and the shortcomings of using that typical strategy, and how we can use the Enneagram Harmonic Triad as a compass to make it through difficult times. 

Week 5

Lines of movement

This session is all about the natural flow of life--going forward and backwards, as we are always in a state of movement and shifting, never stagnant, always transitioning. But it doesn’t always feel that way!


Sometimes, we feel really stuck, especially with the patterns we have been developing and holding onto for our whole life, which is potentially decades!


To begin, we will reach backwards into our past to explore our relationship to our “soul child” Enneagram type style and the essential qualities of life we felt connected to as a kid.


We will use that knowledge to explore the lines of movement in the Enneagram, and how we can use the awareness of these lines of connection as resources in the present to open up new potential pathways in approaching whatever dilemma is currently keeping you “stuck”

Week 6

Rewrite your story

To end our time together, we will connect to a place where our body holds our stories that our brains tell. As reason and sense-making machines, our brains are incredible!


The double edged sword of being an incredible story-teller is that sometimes a story can feel like fact when it might be riddled with fiction.


For this session, we will revisit a story we have told ourselves for so long it feels true and honor the ways this story has guided and protected us in life. Then, we will gently explore where it might hold you back from showing up more fully in the world.


By going into the stories of your past, we can rewrite the ending in a way that helps you--the protagonist--build a belief and narrative that is more aligned with your values and goals for who you are today.


Embracing the power of using your voice to create the type of world you want to see for yourself and the world around you!

Bright light pours in from behind some tree branches against a blue sky


What I expect from you when you enroll and fully engage in the Kindling group coaching program:​

Show up as your whole self:

and come with whatever you’re working with today; whether sleepy, sad, excited, social, nervous, what have you. You’re a full human, please don’t hide or bury what’s present for you for our sake.

Lean into engaging:

as much as you're able to! The group model only works if the individuals in the group participate--that means you!

We learn from one another’s expertise and lived experiences, so your voice and experiences are incredibly important for us to hear and mutually learn from.

​Commitment to each class:

consistency in coming each week helps create and maintain a safer container for everyone and builds community care and support. The program is only 6 weeks, and the sessions are non-recorded to maintain safety and confidentiality for all participants, so it benefits everyone to commit to attending all sessions, and ensures you don't miss anything!


Group Coaching

Below is a sliding scale"tiered" pricing structure, based on your own resource availability. I offer the program in this way to account for making healing practices as accessible as possible while also running a sustainable business in our present society.


In this model, members who have the resources to pay for the tier 3 level of this course subsidize the costs for those in tier 1 as a way of showing care and support for our fellow community members who are less resourced.


For a cost breakdown of this course please see FAQ section below.

Pricing in CAD. Payment in installments available upon request.

Tier 1


This tier is $35/session for 7 sessions

Tier 2


This tier is $50/session for 7 sessions

Tier 3


This tier is $75/session for 7 sessions

Pricing 2

Unsure which tier to pick?

Use this scale to help determine where you fit

Tier 1


This tier is $35/session for 7 sessions


Priced for people who would self identify as lower-income, who have little expendable income and/or no savings, and have had to prioritize basic needs over other purchases.

Tier 2


This tier is $50/session for 7 sessions


Priced for people who would self identify as middle-income, who have some expendable income and/or savings, and are not worried about meeting basic needs.

Tier 3


This tier is $75/session for 7 sessions


Priced for people who would self identify as higher-income, who have ample amounts of expendable income and/or savings, and all basic needs are comfortably and easily met. 

Pay less on the scale if you:

  • Have limited financial access due to age, chronic illness, disability, abusive circumstances, immigration status, and/or are a member of other systemically excluded communities disproportionately affected by the exploitative wage gap

  • Have $0 in savings

  • Have dependents

  • Receive public assistance

  • Have significant, stressful debt payments

  • Are formerly incarcerated 

  • Do not have family or community resources at your disposal when needed

  • Are self-employed and/or have inconsistent income streams

* Full scholarships available depending on course capacity 

Pay more on the scale if you:

  • Have higher earning power through college degree(s), age, race, gender, able-bodiedness, social networks/ connections or other communities of resource power

  • Pay other service providers and practitioners full price

  • Have savings or other financial capital and/or assets

  • Own one or more property, and/or rent by choice

  • Have few or no dependents

  • Travel recreationally and/or can take extended, non-emergency time off of work

  • Have consistent and reliable income streams

  • Have access to family or community resources at your disposal as needed

*Scale modeled off of Accountability Mapping and various other rad organizations and businesses reimagining money/energy exchange



Ready to enroll?

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